A Message From the Deputy Headmistress

“Welcome to International British Academy (IBA). At IBA, we offer a developmentally appropriate school environment where children and families are valued. We recognize parents as the initial educators of children and we want to support families by joining you as partners in your child’s learning journey. Working with you, we want to facilitate all children reaching their full potential in every area of development: socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. We want children to be excited, enthusiastic and happy learners, and build the foundation so that they become lifelong lovers of learning.

Early primary schooling is such a special time in your child’s education. These early years are full of learning, exploring, meeting new friends, and having fun. With your support, we are confident that your child will encounter a wonderful early school experience at IBA. Our teachers and staff diligently work with students so they can attain ongoing success in varied subject matters. We look forward to teaching your little one and working together with you towards your child’s academic and social development.”

– Maria Elena Olivia C. Camatog, Deputy Headmistress – Primary Section, International British Academy